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It's time for an adventure love story with grit.  And monsters.  And magic.


Book One of the Epic Fantasy Romance Series


by Stan Sudan

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In a sacred land where stories and demons come to life with the telling of every ancient tale, and where legendary heroes and heroines struggle to reawaken the lost memories of their from-before-time legacies, a young Seeker of Light must evade not only the cultural taboos that forbid physical contact with her personal guardian, but she must discover a way to defeat the Darkness that has forever kept herself and her warrior-guardian apart.


In the big-sister-idolizing company of her little Sister-cousin Sweet-Star who is filled with lifetimes of memories of their eternal friendship, Iya-Ko-Naya sets out on a dreamtime-inspired journey to the haunted clefts along the northern plateau of the Mountain of the Ancestors.


Beset by ancient demon-dogs, but saved from certain death by a pair of ancient warriors--Naka of the Lodge and Illikahn, an up-Mountain Walker--Iya and Te'o-Hai discover and reawaken the first of many of their legacy-given, Otherworld skills.  From the seeds of those ancient, now-remembered abilities, the two tiny, light-filled Sisters will become formidable Shadow-fighters worthy of their up-Mountain legacies.


As the two gifted Sisters of Light grow into young adulthood, they are compelled by their dreams to gain increasingly stronger personal skills.  They impulsively ally themselves with the landless Free-Ranger Clan, where Iya-Ko-Naya, now a capable Sister of Medicine, suffers a horrid fate from a Brother of Dark-Medicine whom she deeply loves.  Iya is saved by her four Medicine-riding Sisters--one of whom remains behind, legacy-bound, as a healer to the desert-riding clan.


Iya's return to the Mountain of the Ancestors as a Keeper of the Ways of her people not only spurs the minions of Darkness to aggressively attack the up-Mountain heights, but also to send Dark Ones down-Mountain and across the spirit-haunted Flatlands, the site of an ancient, ancestral battle where ghost-like skirmishes are incessantly fought by Iya's fellow apprentices, the  Flatland-guardians, in both real-time and in Shadow.  In those spirit-haunted Flatlands, Iya-Ko-Naya discovers her long-lost, legacy-promised partner--an Outsider named Shatwa Hei.


Forever striving as Keeper of the Ways to keep alive the spirit-gifted legacy of her Grandmother Nora-Feather, Iya relies on her knowledge of the ancient tales of her people to not only offer them hope, but to reawaken their own sleeping legacies by helping them relive their long-forgotten memories of the up-Mountain Legends.


It is along this ancient, Medicine-filled path that Iya-Ko-Naya leads the listeners of her stories deep into the magic of Otherworld--where not only her people's legacy-rich skills and destinies can be rediscovered, but where her personal warrior-guardian's long-lost destiny, and his own forgotten love for her, might also at long last be re-awakened.



I could not stop reading this book. Each chapter held me riveted, in awe at what had just happened, or breathlessly wondering what was going to happen next! The story is at once exhilarating, deeply emotional, and intellectually stimulating. The Sisters stayed with me long after I had stopped reading...

C. Drews, M. Ed. Reading and Literature


Wow. Not since Carlos Castaneda have I been so swept up in such a rich, compound World where the miraculous is ordinary. The characters are deep, moving and real...

Darkuma, Smashwords reviewer

Dancers of Light and Darkness Trilogy
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